Press Releases, Highlights and Recognitions

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Press Releases and Highlights

Miao won the poster award at the CECAM meeting!

Sara got elected as student rep. Of the idp subgroup of the bps!

Sara won a Travel award to attend the Biophysical Society Meeting!

Lemke Lab receives Volkswagen Stiftung fund for Reconstruction of cellular processes in new organelles

The paper “Dual film-like organelles enable spatial separation of orthogonal eukaryotic translation” gets published in cell

Read the cell press release to our latest paper

Christopher receives GBM’s Karl-Lohmann-Award!

Christine is now Dr. Christine!

Marius got accepted into Studienstiftung

We are part of the new International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) on cellular biophysics

Recognition of Group Members

Single molecule biophysics and synthetic biology of protein disorder group